Thursday, January 19, 2006

:sticking fingers in ears and screaming lalalalala la: THAT DIDNT HAPPEN!!

My perfomance at the Iowa Pro Am was embarrasing to say the least, But I am happy that I know what the problem was. I would feel bad about it if it were a total mystery, but I have it under control.

so here is the deal.

The ProElite holds like a rock but when I overtry it doesn't group as good as I can hold it. It may be arrows, tune, or my form. I don't have any idea yet and I don't have any time to dink with it any further... So, out comes old trusty UltraElite. I set it up last night and holy cow does that thing shoot.

The guys at Hoyt really slapped it out of the park with the new Elite Grips. It is the most comfortable and consistent grip I have ever used. It is the first one in 20 years that I have been able to shoot without grip tape.

I will shoot more tonight and try to cram for Lancaster

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