Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Another great day

I just got two boxes of assorted hinges in today. Any day is a great day when you get a wad of new toys to play with. It seems that the word is out that I am shooting hinges. I am flattered that they care. :) Anyway thanks to those that sent and I will be sure that I send back what I don't need.

I shot a 59 today and the inner score would have been in the 90s. The good thing is that I am really feeling that smooth confident flow and I LOVE IT when it is working. Interesting though I was forced to take a break today with two ends left to finish the game. It was long enough for me to totally cool down and loose my train of thought. When I got back to shooting. I wasn't aiming right nor did my shot work. It was weird. I dropped my fourth arrow of the last end because I was just out in left field and thinking about something else. My release woke me up when it plopped. Something in my head was like, "aaaaaaHHHHH~! what are you doing"... the dot wasn't even close.

It was kinda funny. I was flailing about trying to swing it back into the center as I came to my senses. I bet I looked like I was having a apoplectic attack with a sprinkle of epilepsy.

BUT! :being as positive as I can: :)

It was another great day. Shooting a 59 with a dozen different hooks was an interesting feeling and It was cool to have a huge sample of releases to play with. If you live near wildwood and happen to catch me up there. You are welcome to play with them too. I share well with others. :)

:climbing up on my soap box:

Elliott Spitzer (my governor) got caught today with a $5000 hooker. How stupid does a guy have to be - to be who he is, and get caught with a high dollar hooker. I don't want him running my state anymore because hes a dumba$$. Besides the fact that I can't figure out what a hooker could do for me that would be worth $5000, maybe paint my house after I was done with my 15min. :) well... anyway thats all I have to say about that.... :)


Anonymous said...

It must be nice to have all those releases to play with. Let us know which one you choose and why inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

15 min, yeah right.


Anonymous said...

15 min??? you need to get to the gym there chief.. ;-) gunna have a heart attack..