Well it has been a while since I changed my swing and I am proud to report that it is working fantastic. I am beginning to internalize the groove and I swung a great 60X on the first day. It was smooth, relaxed, and it felt easy. I started a tad rough but went inside out for the bulk of the game.
I learned a lot while shooting this shoot. It always amazes me that I have been shooting the Nationals over 20 years and I learn like a newbie every trip. I rocked the pro-am. Though Nathan and DIDIpoo shot 30X I feel real good about my 27X game.
I am liking the click feature of the release more and more. I think I am beginning to get comfortable with teaching the idea. I always advised that shooters avoid the click because it is too easy to shoot it twice. By that I mean - aim, aim, aim, CLICK! jiggle wobble, re-aim, aim, aim, DUFF. Total waste of time. However, I am using a method that seems to be working great.
As I reach full draw and align myself with the target, I allow my hand to relax and stretch into line. Once I reach that perfect spot... CLICK - peep aligns and dot settles Bam! just in time. I am loving it like ranch on a hot wing.
I missed a few on Sunday. I would like to say that it was through no fault of my own, but things happen. I got a little too loose with my first scoring arrow and misfired. I managed to keep it in the white but it was waaay out of the X. It took a couple ends for the disappointment to subside, so I dropped another in the second end for good measure. I went inside out and was strumming along when I sat down next to Jim Despart late in the game and he was scanning for dead soldiers with his binos and said, Ooh! someone missed one! who's that on target 20 bottom left?" I thought for a second and snapped to the conclusion that it was me! I couldn't believe it. I cruised through those five shots and they were so perfect that I didn't even look at them.
I was totally bummed but not mad. I was actually happy that my shot is coming along nicely and I am beginning to feel like my old self again. Wooohooo!
I got my new 737 in today and am excited to put that together and see how it does for me. I am thinking it is going to be an outdoor driller! I bet that bow would be killer with 3000 or 3500 limbs for indoor.
I didn't get to be in the shoot-off this time but I got some nice photos anyway.
I watched you shoot on Sunday & was impressed with how you handled the dropped shots. Looked as if you just shook it off as ancient history and moved on. Something a lot of us should learn from.
Keep up the good shooting!
Glad to hear that you are liking your new hook. Good shooting.
I saw your score after the first day and felt happy for you. I hope the swing change keeps showing positive results.
Mike! I am glad you are still reading! :) Thanks for the good wishes. I have been working on it hard and I think I have it working now. I have shot some several good scores and my average is leveling out.
Anonymous - I try not to make a big deal about misses. I feel like it makes the mistake stick longer. When you are playing a game like NFAA indoor you cant get too cranked up over a miss. It happens waay too often. :) after nearly 20 years shooting that shoot, I have learned to take my crow pie with a dash of sugar. :)
I love watching this kind of sport compare the usual sport we used to watch. Its good for you that you still learn different tactics of this game on your every trip despite of your long 20 years on this sport.
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