Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Working on the new swing.

I have been working on shot execution issues for months now and I am zeroing in on a good consistent feel. Feel in the shot is such a fleeting thing, it is hard to grab a hold on it and internalize it forever. I follow golf to some degree and over the years I have watched Tiger Woods change his swing. I didn't understan why the sports announcers made a big deal out of what he was undertaking until now. It is a BIG DEAL to forget 20 year old habits and implant new ones. I have not had too much trouble eradicating the old swing. That sort of happened on its own when I lost feeling in my trigger thumb. Now I have to figure out a good consistent feel to build on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tiger always mentioned "Swing Thoughts" when he had a good day during his transitions. I always assumed that meant he had a thought that he kept in mind during the swing (probably to block out distractions). I am now wondering if that was a correct assumption.

I have been rebuilding my shot sequence and form this year too. I recently tried associating thoughts to feelings during the shot and found that it really helped me be more consistent and focused on the new swing. I found that each major element that I was working on has a "feel" that tells me it is right, so associating a thought or word to that feel was a great way to check if I was using the new habits or not.

How do you use "swing thoughts" if at all?
