I put my Spiral Cam bow back together after its sudden dissasembly the other day. I then sent an email to one of my friends at Hoyt and told him that the sprials were kicking my A$$. He clued me in to the fact that hardly anyone shoots the same weight on the spirals that they do on the cam and a half.
So... I turned the bow down a full turn and a half and didn't tune it or anything. I just eyeballed everything into place and shot 3 practice ends at 70M to get it sighted in. The bow held well but I was still having trouble with my dot fit at 70M. Just for kicks I got out my dot pack and and applied a circle with a dot inside. It seemed to work and my groups got more controled, centered, and predictable.
I ended up with a 350 and with the exception of a couple of wild ones. My groups plotted to be smaller than the 10 at 70M. WooHoo! I backed up to 9oM just to check the new aiming reticle and it looked good. I shot a group that even Deitmar Trillus would be proud of. :) (I will be emailing you a pic of that soon little buddy) hehe!
I have been watching the scores at the world cup and those guys are ripping it up! Go Martin Damsbo and Clint Freeman! It looks like they had a close one today.