Thursday, November 16, 2006
Eureka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello Watson!? are you there?
What a great shooting day I have had. I have been changing my swing and really working hard trying to find the right feel, the right tune, and the right combination of all that plus execution. Today I added the final ingredient.
I have been adding weight to my stabilizers in an attempt to slow my bow movement down. I have had an unusual amount of jitter that has been plaguing me for months. I have finally found it.
All the tweaking and shooting and weighting and tinkering had caused me to develop tension in my release hand and bow shoulder. This caused a soft float with sudden flicks to the outside of the ring. I could drop four big tens and shoot in the 580s or I could squeeze out something in the low 90s. I had lived with it long enough and was concentrating on other things for so long, that I didn't realize how bad it was.
So, back to my day... I have been taking advice from the folks at Hoyt and some of my Hoyt shooting buddies on tune and bow set up trying to get to the bottom of my little issues. I really couldn't decide if it was me, the bow, the arrow, or a combination of the whole lot. I have to say... It is amazing to me how helpful everyone at Hoyt was and they were spot on with their advice. It is also a testament to Professional Archery how my friends and competitors were so free with their best information to help me get my ducks in a row and my arrows in the ten.
Today, with a combination of the gear tweaks, arrow tweaks, and now my old school relaxed but steady flow of form and relaxed release hand, I had one of those days. One of those days that gives you a glimmer of what could be, or a tiny taste of how well your bow really shoots when you tell it the right things with your form.
WOW. What a great day.
598! 300 28 / 300 30
Friday, November 03, 2006
some video time
More later.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
You can't shoot a good FITA score with a baby on your back.

I was on baby duty tonight so the wife could have some needed adult time. So I got the big idea that I could carry on as usual with a baby on my back. Well... he was a total angel at the range and he didn't fuss hardly at all. HOWEVER, It is scientifically proven that you can't keep a 8X scope in the X while a seven month old kicks you in the kidneys.
I just resolved myself to the fact that I was out at WildWood for fun of it. Thanks to Keith, one of the owners, I was able to shoot my broadheads a few times to make sure my hunting rig is ready for the big hunt this weekend while he entertained the baby.
(I only could get in one game before G5 decided he was ready to go home)
It was well worth the trip.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Did a little taping today
593 (299 27 - 299 26)
Average 118.5
I am still running down a few little hiccups in my swing, but I have settled into a feel and I have passed that invisible point of no return where you have to decide what you are going to do and what you are going to shoot and stick with it.
Some tiny changes to arrow spine through point weight changes and I went to the XT3500 limbs. The initial results are good and I am very excited for the new year.
Here is a close look at the rig I am shooting right now.
I also did a little taping of my form. As soon as I can get it edited I will post links to it today.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Be sure to check and change your nocks!
Monday, October 30, 2006
First shots with the new XT3500 Limbs
anyway... I set up the bow and used factory strings, eyeballed the rest and nock,
and just ripped off a round. I had to stop about half way through and retime the bow after the strings settled in, but It shot great.
the XT3500 limbs are well worth it. I feel like they are more forgiving and the bow seems to aim more stable that before.
Time to start a new practice average.
592 (300 27X - 300 25X)
avrg 118.4
Thursday, October 12, 2006
"Swing Thoughts"
"Rehearse the shot with a purpose, then execute it
Before my most recent swing changes I didn't realize the importance of practice swings. They help reinforce swing keys and promote good swing thoughts. Rehearsal swings have helped me with one of my main goals this year: to commit to every swing. Before, I would make a cursory practice swing without that full commitment, and it was mostly a wasted motion. I see the same thing among my amateur playing partners. I also see players make practice swings that don't fit the intended shot. That's a real waste of time and energy......
......If I've made a purposeful rehearsal, fully committed to the shot and executed it to the best of my ability, it's easier to accept the outcome."
Putt to a picture on big breakers
I had only one putting coach in my life, and that was my dad. His concept of putting was simple: Putt to the picture. Whenever I had trouble with my stroke, he would reinforce the early lessons, and I'd regain confidence in my mechanics immediately. That mental technique remains with me in the heat of competition, especially on breaking putts, where visualizing the break and putting to a spot at the apex of the break are critical. I get a picture in my head and stroke the ball toward what I see in the picture while keeping my head perfectly still. Alignment is crucial. A lot of amateurs set up for a putt as if it's straight, then push or pull it back toward the line. Set the face of the putter square to your intended line, then align your body to the putter."
snipped from:
I think what Tiger is getting at here is a dual concept that is referred to in archery as well. mental rehearsal and Total commitment to the shot.
I use mental rehearsal religiously. I do it while driving, working, practicing, and any other time I can be mentally free long enough to shoot a perfect shot. My changes to my swing have really involved the feel of the shot, the actual manipulation of the release, and the memorization of those steps so I can streamline the shot process. I am a believer in the fact that the more natural your style or "swing" is the more consistent you can be under pressure.
While changing my swing I am working through the shot in a very tactile manner. I am using the Morin Trainer to carefully establish my hand feel on the release, my thumb grip on the barrel, and the proper relaxation technique that causes the hand deformation needed to activate the trigger through the pull.
I have almost settled on a feel. I am shooting hundreds of shots with the Morin trainer every day, all day. In the afternoon I go to ten yards with my bow and try out the feel. This give and take between the bow and the trainer is proving to be the perfect combination.
I have shot a dozen or so 600 Fita games from ten yards grooving in what I think is the perfect feel. Tonight I shot 2 120 matches from 20 and that was the first time in a month and a half that I shot from 20. I cleaned both of them and the last 6 shots were pure heaven. I wanted to shoot more, but I was tired and had to head home. I also didn't want to over do it and loose all the head way that I have gotten.
Getting back to swing thoughts.....
The mental rehearsal part is seeing, feeling, and tasting the perfect shot mentally and then doing it. I think of it as a plan of action. In golf you would decide what type of draw or spin you will put on the ball, make up your mind on the technique you will use to attain that goal, and then take a practice swing using the technique and feel that you intend to make the shot with. Then commit to that shot and flow through it with determination and direct every ounce of your positive energy through it.
Shooting a shot in archery is almost the same thing. Here is how I do it. I feel the draw of the bow, align the peep, watch the perfect sight float, and right in time - with the perfect rhythm, kaploop! the perfect shot. Then I put my release on the string and then just recreate it.
Another part of "swing thoughts" for me is the committment to the shot. I have problems with this during 3D or in a very tense shootoff. Negative self talk, doubt, or mental fatigue can cause you to "drop the ball" and the most crucial moment. Sometimes even a negative self image like "i have never cleaned the second day at vegas" can cause you to not be fully committed even on an underlying level.
My swing changes are adressing each of the points that I am weak in and I am totally returning to the basics. I am also dabbling a little in some form changes as well.
Untill next time....
Changed the settings
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Working on the new swing.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
It has been a while since an update, so here we go!
I am totally changing my swing this year. This is something that I have needed to do since I injured my thumb before the world indoor trials a couple years ago, but I have been in denial. :)
So now I am ready to go. I will be cleaning up my form, Changing my shot execution, and shooting more than ever to get ready for indoor season. I tried my new swing sort of cold turkey at the smackdown at wildwood and shot a couple great scores with tight groups, so I am on the right track, but I still have to think about it too much.
I will be working to memorize my new swing for the next month or so.
Monday, July 10, 2006
I love The Spiral Cams!
I can't wait to give them a shot with my indoor rigs!
See ya'll at the Nationals!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
second time out with the Spiral Cams

I put my Spiral Cam bow back together after its sudden dissasembly the other day. I then sent an email to one of my friends at Hoyt and told him that the sprials were kicking my A$$. He clued me in to the fact that hardly anyone shoots the same weight on the spirals that they do on the cam and a half.
So... I turned the bow down a full turn and a half and didn't tune it or anything. I just eyeballed everything into place and shot 3 practice ends at 70M to get it sighted in. The bow held well but I was still having trouble with my dot fit at 70M. Just for kicks I got out my dot pack and and applied a circle with a dot inside. It seemed to work and my groups got more controled, centered, and predictable.
I ended up with a 350 and with the exception of a couple of wild ones. My groups plotted to be smaller than the 10 at 70M. WooHoo! I backed up to 9oM just to check the new aiming reticle and it looked good. I shot a group that even Deitmar Trillus would be proud of. :) (I will be emailing you a pic of that soon little buddy) hehe!
I have been watching the scores at the world cup and those guys are ripping it up! Go Martin Damsbo and Clint Freeman! It looks like they had a close one today.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Today was a little better...

I finally got to shoot my spiral cam UltraElite today. I started off very solid and was grouping very tight at 60 yards. However, when you are out of shape as I am, those spiral cams are a lot of work! I shot several ends at 70M to get an idea of how well it is shooting. I guess by that time I had gotten tired holding the low let off. My beautiful groups at sixty yards became lackluster spatter at 70 M. I will keep working with this one, because I think it has great potential to shoot well for me. It was holding like a rock until I got tired.
I pulled out my old trusty cam and a half UltraElite and shot a quick 36 arrow 70M round. I feel like I grouped well with a couple bad shots. My last two ends were not so hot. I was rushing because it was beginning to get too dark to see.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
I'm Back! Well.... On my way back. :)

I set up my spiral cam bow and got out my X10s and blew the dust off of everything. Then promptly went to the range and broke the bow on the first shot. It lashed me almost to death, snapped and arrow in 3 pieces, and I lost my last small hole peep. DRAT! And I spent months trying to get the bow set up and ready to shoot in the tiny gaps of time that I have had since my son was born. After getting over apoplectic fit over my broken control cable, I investigated further to find out that I had the control cable off the track. It let me pull it back but the cam cut the cable when it mistracked on the let down.
Note to self...
Don't be a dummy and check your cables when you take it out of the press.
I was so disappointed I was ready to jump through myself. I went to the car and pulled out my backup and shot a score with it cold turkey. I also have been using TargetPlot. It is a great program for diagnosing scores and getting sighted in. I love it. You can get a test copy at
Here is my targets. I had Target Plot post my actual hits and score and my "potential score". The actual hits are in black and the potential hits are in red. It calculates your potential score by centering your pattern over the center of the ten.
I ended up with a 342 and considering the bow was not set up at all, I haven't shot in a couple months, and the weather was less than perfect, I am satisfied with it. I feel like with a little more practice I can get my actual and potential score closer together.
I have made up my mind that I will shoot the right shoots and jump through the proper hoops to be eligible for the USAT and the World Cup events. Those things look like a blast. I will shoot 70M for the rest of the summer and get my X10s set up perfect.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Ok, time for some shooting.
I got my hands on a half dozen X-10s and I will be documenting my tuning and setup procedure, so those interested can see how I do it.
Stay tuned...
Thursday, March 23, 2006
G5 is here, happy and well.
Now that was the coolest thing I have ever experienced. I payed close attention to the doctors work. I was told that he was the best, but now I have seen the best in action! He was amazing and really showed me that birthing babies is an art form that requires finesse and careful care during the process. Sarah came through the experience just fine and due to the doctors care in delivery, she didn't experience any coplications.
We really lucked out to be birthing at the best hospital and with the best doc. Thanks for the referral Kim!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Houston!? Everything is Green for Launch
If it rains, it pours.
The weather here is showing signs of breaking and I am really excited to get out the X10s. I have a test half dozed that I haven't touched yet and will go through the systematic process of divining the right cut of the back and working the bows tune around them. I have not had great luck with X10s in the past, but I know more now and hope to give it a good run this season. I have been taking tips from some of the pros that have them shooting great and hopefully I can put them to good use.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
DUDE!!! They banned me!?
So If you would like to get tips from me... You will need to visit my new home.
I need your help to make it a great place for archery.
Now that I have that out of the way... :)
Time for what I am up to shooting wise....
I have been experimenting with a truespot lens. I have not been able to shoot much at all. I am still taking care of Sarah and hoping she stays pregnant for two more weeks and we are in the clear.
It is a very interesting feel and I am shooting well with it. I decided to give it another go after Jessie Broadwater's success in Vegas and his overall success with his Xview lens from brite site, and Dietmar Trillus' records with his duplex lens.
here is a close approximation of what it looks like..... I will post more soon. I am hoping to try it with a couple more power options

Thursday, March 02, 2006
Online archery needs something new!

Several years ago I was a large part of the creation of It has been a great service to the archery community and it has been a great place to get together and swap gear and have fun, but I feel that it has become so big and the focus has become fragmented to the point that it doesn't fill the purpose that it was originally intended.
I think it is time for a change.
I have started a new board with lots of cool features. I intend this place to be heavy on community and information exchange. I feel that education makes a big difference in the health of the archery community.
Please drop in and help me get this rolling in the right direction.
The board is a work in progress and I am open to ideas and if any of you are good web guys, let me know. I could use the technical help.
The baby is FINE!!!!!
Thanks to everyone who send cards, PMs, and well wishes. It really makes me feel good to get such a response from my archery friends.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Who wants one of my old Hoyts

My new 2006 models are all tweaked out and ready to roll, so it is time to pass on my 2005 models
They are all tweaked and shooting great I shot them all last year in all the shoots and used them in Amsterdam at the Face2Face. Here is a pic of one of them winning the IFAA world indoor.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
All is well so far......

Little Vee (George the 5th) is still where he needs to be and we are closing in on 5 weeks left to go. If we can make it to 36 weeks everything is perfect. Since I am not going to Vegas I will be spending my weekend on the baby room and trips to and from the Hospital.
I just got my newest UltraElite in and it is very cool looking. It was a Inferno model and it was more on the orange side than red. I dig it fo sho!
I just got in some Nealy's Custom Bowstrings to outfit it with and when things level out I will spend a little time tricking it out.
Oh and one more thing.... The new Hoyt shooter Jackets are HOT!!! I just got that in today too. Wooohooo!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
NO VEGAS FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For those of you going to Vegas......
Enjoy your surprise from STAN! I wish I could be there.
Write this down....
Having shots flick out to the left though your aim is good?
Lengthen the draw length just a tad at a time until it goes away....
So just after my dismal qualifying round I bumped out my draw with Jbird supervising and advising me on the visual fit. Normally I like to slowly eek it out while I shoot to dial it in, but drastic times require drastic measures.
Well it worked. I had a great round of shootoffs. I went through 6 or so people and it was Xrings aplenty! I felt the good nerves and the furious rush of competition. I will never quit shooting as long as the rush stays for me.
Finally Al Avery put me out. I shot a bad end and he shot a great one.
Lesson #2 Never relax during a shootoff. Gut them in like you are second place even when you think you have it.
I had a great time watching Al almost pass out when they told him he won. I have never seen someone shake so bad yet pound the X. Al really nailed them. GREAT SHOOTING AL!!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Trois DIX!!!!

Well.... If I had heard that more than not, I would have scored better. If I ever hear the words Dix... Nuf, Nuf (ten, nine, nine) again it will be too soon. :)
The shoot was Fantastic and it was very well organized and the show was well worth the trouble to get there. I had a fantastic time hanging out with Jean-Regis, Pascal, and Antoine. The road trip from Niece to Antibes, then to Cannes, and finally through Arles to Nimes was very picturesque.
A note to anyone ordering off of a French menu.... Andouillette IS NOT Andouille sausage (cajun) it is Pork tripe in a gut casing. VERY NASTY. :) I did have a fillet de boef the size of a motorcycle battery that was fantastic! All in all the food was great, but bring your interpreter or phrase book along with you to be sure what you are ordering. You could end up with a traditional dish that tastes like bad breath.... :)
Now about my shooting....
I know the bow and arrow combination is good because it was grouping. (just not in the X) I had a terrible time setting my zero because I have something changing in my form and I am not quite sure what it is. I will be tracking that down this week. It is not enough to make me miss a big ten, but I can manage to drop some serious Xs.
My shot execution became ragged and misplaced because I became angry and was very frustrated. I let my emotions get a little out of control and it showed in my shooting. I know better and knew I was doing it, but the frustration got the best of me.
I am starting off at square one tonight and I will find my swing. I am going to my 2613s for Vegas and will be tuning those in as well. Once I am done tweaking and am satisfied with my tune and the big arrows, its to ten yards I go to find my swing again.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
getting tired in Heathrow Airport
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Off to Nimes....
Cya in Nimes! come by the STAN booth and say Hi.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
It is a wonder I can get my head through the door :)
:sticking fingers in ears and screaming lalalalala la: THAT DIDNT HAPPEN!!
so here is the deal.
The ProElite holds like a rock but when I overtry it doesn't group as good as I can hold it. It may be arrows, tune, or my form. I don't have any idea yet and I don't have any time to dink with it any further... So, out comes old trusty UltraElite. I set it up last night and holy cow does that thing shoot.
The guys at Hoyt really slapped it out of the park with the new Elite Grips. It is the most comfortable and consistent grip I have ever used. It is the first one in 20 years that I have been able to shoot without grip tape.
I will shoot more tonight and try to cram for Lancaster
Uh Oh..... :(
DONT DO IT. The process is a poisonous pain it the rear and It ruins the shafts.
Luckily I still have my trusty old stock 2315s and I am back on track and they are drilling like crazy.
594 I hope to raise the bar a tad higher before Nimes, France
Thursday, January 12, 2006
ARRRGH! Well... It's not the first time that I have cut off a whole dozen and changed my mind.
Does anyone want some hot new 2315s that are 28" and totally straightened and weight matched. They have one shoots worth of experience.
I set up the secret weapon shafts with the 220 grain points and they look great. I shot a few end with them and WOW. They are drilling. I guess thier first test will be at the Iowa Proam in a couple days.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Just zipped off my new dozen to 28"
I have to head out to Iowa on Thursday, so I only have one more night to practice in the copper closet. I am working on my secret weapon arrows still and will have them ready and at the Iowa ProAm. :) they are hot.
For those of you that will be at the Pro Am, I will have the full on STAN booth there and will be ready to show off the new releases and thier catalog.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Comment from Shaun (imported from old BLOG)
So what weight is working for you?I am about to build a new set of arrows for a 60# Trykon (28" draw) on Easton FatBoys. Any recommendations?
01/04/06 @ 12:24
So far the 28" with 180 grain points are working like gang busters. I am getting super groups and am LOVING IT!!
I don't have any recommendations on the Fatboys. I have never shot them before.
New Question from Pierre (imported from Old BLOG)
When you are talking about arrow Voodoo, you refer to your technic of finding arrow nodes?I know Dave Cousins was doing some experience for Easton with heavy points on his arrows (300-350gr.). Is it something that most pros are going into, heavy points?Thanks for the infos, I appreciate :)
01/04/06 @ 07:26
Yes, I am talking about setting up the nodes for proper rest positioning. I used some archery software to decide what point to use and settled on the 180 grain points. Now that I have all that worked out... I made myself some sexy polished "chrome" shafts for the Iowa ProAM. I just got them all straight and an fletching them now... I will post a pic as soon as I have them.
The ATA show

The response to the new STAN line was amazing. I talked until I was nearly hoarse and I think I demonstrated the SuperX adjustents 5 million times. well.... maybe not that many, but enough to make my fingertips sore from twisting allen wrenches.
Here is a shot of me that Ryan Martin snapped with his phone. We have spent a ton of time on the product and the marketing of it. I can't wait until you guys can see the full rollout of product. It will be HOT. I was also impressed at the number of shooters that were coming out in droves to shoot the new SuperX. Thanks for the support guys.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Working on Points!
Can you explain what can be the advantage of shooting heavy points? I think in Toronto you were shooting a standard set-up (2315 with 100gr. points) with longer arrows. Are you cutting them and going heavier on front to get the same spine?? What are those points?
Currently I am experimenting with shooting heavier tip weight. I am using Rod Menzer's Pro Points. He makes 2613 and 2315 points in varous weights from 180 grain to 300 grain.
You can get your hands on a set by sending a pm to "footsteps" and ask him about them. He takes PayPal.
My initial findings were that the points were very consistent in weight and overall diameter. The finish on the points was nice as well. I used Archer's Advantage to calculate my best arrow match and performed a little arrow voodoo to decide how much overhang I wanted with the new points. I cut off an old dozen and popped them in and ran around the corner and shot a round in the copper closet.
I thought that was pretty hot, but I am aware of new product syndrome and am on guard for that. I have now shot several NFAA rounds and managed 4 60X games out of 6 rounds. The main thing that struck me was how tight my groups are. I have not been shooting my best, but the new arrow configuration seems to be more forgiving.
Here is what I think....
Heavier tips are seeming to track better indoors and I am beginning to think that they are also more forgiving to shooter errors. I didn't put much thought into heavy points indoors, because the distances are short and typically my arrows have a lot of drag. I didn't think it would matter that much. However, I reserve the right to change my mind on an issue anytime someone or something proves the old paradigm wrong.
So I am in full reverse.... and trying to decide what I think is best now. Give me a little more time for experimentation and I will keep you posted on anymore shifts in my arrow setup universe.
After about 3 weeks of shooting the points, I am adding them permanently to my gear list. These things ROCK!!! and I am soooo happy to get out of screwing with weighting stock point. Whew! THANKS ROD!!!!!!!